The alimentary duct 消化管
Cavity of mouth 口腔
Parotid gland with excretory duct 腮腺排泄管
Soft Palate 軟顎
Salivary glands under tongue
Esophagus 食道
Stomach 胃
Pancreas 胰
Small intestine 小腸
Duodenum 十二指腸
Liver 肝
Gall bladder 膽囊
Common bile duct 總膽管
Vermiform appendix 蚓樣垂(闌尾)
Cecum 盲腸
Ascending colon 升結腸
Transverse colon 橫結腸
Descending colon 降結腸
Sigmoid flexure S狀彎曲
Rectum 直腸
Anal sphincter 肛門括約肌