2015年7月29日 星期三


Tartar 牙結石:
(治療) Teeth cleaning 洗牙
(症狀) Lumps at roots, gums bleed and gaps.

Gingivitis 牙齦炎:
(治療) Vitamins, antibiotics and fluoride tooth paste.
(症狀) Gums red, swollen, painful to pressure, strange odor form breathe.

Periodontal Disease 牙周病:
(治療) Root planning surgery 牙根整形, put in a false tooth 裝假牙 and dental implement surgery 植牙.
(症狀) Gums red, swollen, frequently ache, bleed.

Malocclusion 咬合不正:
(治療) Orthodontics 齒顎矯正

Helicobacter pylori produce ammonia to live in acidic stomach. Which causes stomach ulcers 胃潰瘍, duodenal ulcers 十二指腸潰瘍, gastritis 胃炎 and stomach cancer.

